
Windows appearance, positioning – project tree view lost

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  • #307862 Reply


    After short using of myeclipse (I’m new to eclipse and myeclipse) it happened, that the left treeview, where I can browse the projects and walk into sources etc. disappeared.

    Somehow I could revive it again but it was stretching horizontally rather than vertically and the other columns seemed to open now in vertical order as rows.

    How can I reset the look of the workplace?


    #307875 Reply

    To open views you can navigate to Window > Show View > Other to open the required view. Once the view is open, you can drag and drop the tabs to your desired location. Optionally you can click on window “Reset Perspective” to restore the perspective to defaults.
    You can refer to MyEclipse Help on perspectives from Help > Help Contents. In the new window switch to contents tab from the bottom left corner and browse down to Workbench User Guide > Concepts > Perspectives
    Let me know if that helps.

    #307876 Reply


    @support-shalini wrote:

    To open views you can navigate to Window > Show View > Other to open the required view. Once the view is open, you can drag and drop the tabs to your desired location. Optionally you can click on window “Reset Perspective” to restore the perspective to defaults.
    You can refer to MyEclipse Help on perspectives from Help > Help Contents. In the new window switch to contents tab from the bottom left corner and browse down to Workbench User Guide > Concepts > Perspectives
    Let me know if that helps.

    Thanks. Just a couple of minutes before I found that I could click on the tab in the right upper corner “8 MyEclipse Java Enterprise” – I was warped into a different perspective (databse view had I inadvertently chosen while trying out MyEclipse features).

    I’m all set again.


    #307880 Reply



    Good to hear you are all set.


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