
Windows > Preferences > Workbench Missing

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  • #225847 Reply


    I don’t find the workbench entry under windows > preferences.

    I am using –

    Eclipse Platform
    Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: 200412162000

    With MyEclipse version 3.8.4+QF2-BetaFor3.1
    Build Id: 200502031200-3.8.4+QF2-BetaFor3.1

    help please!


    #225856 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Let’s check a few things first:
    1) Is that Eclipse 3.1M4 you are using?
    2) Are you *sure* it is the SDK, and NOT the JDT/RCP/Platform installs? (It must be the SDK)
    3) Do you have any exceptions during startup in your log file <workspace dir>\.metadata\.log that may tell us what is going on?

    #225859 Reply

    Hi Riyad,

    I am using Eclipse 3.1M4. I used “eclipse-SDK-3.1M4-win32.zip” to install the same.
    Yes it is the SDK version.

    Also i have used “EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_030804_3.1Beta.exe” installer to install the myEclipse.

    No My <workspace dir>\.metadata\.log has no error and exceptions.


    #225861 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Shut down MyEclipse, edit the shortcut you use to start it, add the -clean command line argument to the front of the command line (after eclipse.exe) then restart it. Now check Preferences, are they there? If not, go to Help > Software Updates > Manage Config, do you see MyEclipse listed there as an extension? If not, right click > Add > New Extension and point at your MyEclipse directory then restart.

    #225995 Reply

    I have run eclipse with -clean option. It did not solve the problem. Also the MyEclipse is listed in Help > Software Updates > Manage Config.


    #226001 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Now check Preferences, are they there?

    #226084 Reply

    It still does not appear and there are no error logs on the workspace logs.

    #226085 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am getting very suspicious of your install because all the symptoms you are explaining is a classic “bad installation”, down the to smallest detail… this is usually caused by the person not actually using the SDK of Eclipse, but as you mentioned, you ARE using it.

    I would encourage you to downgrade to Eclipse 3.0.1 and MyEclipse 3.8.4 STABLE for the time being, this is the supported and stable platform that will work best for you.

    #226196 Reply

    Hi Riyad,

    My installation was neither bad nor corrupt. I did as you hade suggested and installed the previous more stable version.

    To my surprise as it came the “Workbench” has been renamed as “General” in the new beta release. I guess you may not be aware of the same. I compared the features in the preferences and they are same.

    So my installation is working fine.


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