- This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 6 months ago by
Scott Anderson.
I am trying to use JBoss with MyEclispe Workbench and I have the following problem, and I wonder if there is a quick fix.
I am using Workbench 2.5.1 running in Eclipse 2.1.1. My OS is NT 4.0 SP6.. My JDK is 1.3.1. I have downloaded JBoss 3.2.2 (with Tomcat 4.1? bundled) and installed in my computer. I have used the following configuration for JBoss:
JBoss Home Directory: “C:\Program Files\JBoss\jboss-3.2.2RC2”
Server Name: “myJBossServer”
XML Document Builder Factory Class: “org.apache.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl”
SAX Parse Factory Class: “org.apache.crimson.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl”
Optional Program Arguments: “”
Optional Shutdown Arguments: “–shutdown”I tried to start JBoss but I have the following error:
Error starting JBoss:
“A configuration error occured during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt: JBoss JDK name”What is wrong? Thanks…
Scott AndersonParticipantI used the forum search facility for all the terms: JBoss JDK name
and quickly found this thread that documents the solution:
MyEclipse Support
surapholMemberThanks Scoot, that works!!
surapholMemberI have one more problem:
I have created an Enterprise Application Project, in which I have an EJB project, which has a session bean and an entity bean. I have not modified the generated files.
I then configured XDoclet to use “Standard EJB” and checked (just for testing) all checked boxes to generate everything (the home interface, remote interface,…).
I then run XDoclet, but I don’t see anything in the ejb-jar.xml file. What step did I missed?
Scott AndersonParticipantI then run XDoclet, but I don’t see anything in the ejb-jar.xml file. What step did I missed?
You missed the “configuration” step. You have to configure the settings in the XDoclet module to tell it where your source is, where to place output files, and how you name your packages. See sourceDir, destDir, fileset, etc.
In the online help, which is newer than the help in the product, there is an example on generating an EJB with XDoclet in the Tasks section under http://www.myeclipseide.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=PostWrap&file=index&page=http://myeclipseide.com/enterpriseworkbench/help/index.jsp
MyEclipse Support
surapholMemberI have still lost…help.
To simplify matter, I tried to follow the example to generate a new EJB Project and then an EJB session bean. I use “src” as the source folder (example says must use ‘src’), and use “com.abc.ejb” as package (example says must be ended with ‘ejb’), my session is called “OneEntityBean” (example says must end with ‘Bean’). I add the Standard EJB XDoclet, and configured the ‘ejbdoclet’ to check ‘deploymentdescriptor, fileset, homeinterface, packageSubstitution, remoteinterface, session’ boxes. The example does not tell us to change any other setting. I then run XDoclet and STILL nothing happen.
Is there an error log somewhere else I can read, I don’t see anything in the Error Log Perspective?
The example uses “com.genuitec.trader.ejb” as the package, and the source folder is “TraderXEJB/src”, and “StockTraderBean” as the session bean name, it DOES NOT show that we need to change any other configuration before running XDoclet. It does NOT show we need to naviagate to change any property value for XDoclet.
I am really spending too much time on XDoclet. Do you know what else can be wrong. Thank you very much for your help…
p.s. I am always using the Online “MyEclipse User Guide”, I assume it is ‘complete’ and up-to-date.
Scott AndersonParticipantSuraphol,
I then run XDoclet and STILL nothing happen.
I’m assuming you’re using the MyEclipse context menu and the ‘Run XDoclet’ setting, correct? Does the console view have any output?
If the console view doesn’t have any output in it, there is most likely some incompatibility that is preventing XDoclet from running. There have been problems with using 1.3.1 to launch Eclipse and run XDoclet so an upgrade to 1.4.1 may help. To see if there are other issues, check the Eclipse log file at <workspace>/.metadata/.log and see if it contains any exception traces. It most likely will, because if your XDoclet configuration is incorrect you might get them also but it may provide a good starting point. If you’d like for us to look over the .log file, send it as an attachment to support@my…com and remember to include the full URL for this thread.
MyEclipse Support
surapholMemberYes, I am using the MyEclipse context menu item “Run XDoclet”. The console is totally blank.
I have attached the log file to support…
Scott AndersonParticipantI’ve reviewed the log file. This problem is caused by a bug in the 1.3.1 JVM that you’re using to run Eclipse. Launching Eclipse with JDK 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 should resolve the issue. Here is a thread that runs it down:
MyEclipse Support
surapholMemberI have installed JDK 1.4.2, make the adjustment in MyEclipse, it can generate the ejb-jar.xml file now.
Thanks a million, you are really really helpful!
Scott AndersonParticipantSuraphol,
Glad to hear you’re up and running! Let us know if you need anything else.
Thanks a million, you are really really helpful!
You don’t have to thank us a “million”; $30 / year is all we ask. 😉
MyEclipse Support -