In WSAD there is a feature with the name Meet-In-The-Middle for mapping the Entity Bean with Database table. Using this property we can map the entity bean with database table manually. We are working on MyEclipse but are not able to find such feature. The entity beans used in our Application are EJB 1.1. The application server which we use is the Websphere Application Server. When we deploy the application on the server the Map.mapxmi gets generated through Top-Down property which is auto generated and in our application the Entity Bean Name is different from the database table name.
For Example:-
EntityName: FirstName
DataBase Table Name: FIRST_NAME
Now in the above scenario if the Map.mapxmi is generated through Top-Down in Websphere. The table name generated is FIRSTNAME which is wrong it should be FIRST_NAME.
Can somebody please guide me how can we map the Entity Bean with Database Table using meet-in-the-middle property in MyEclipse.