- This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 1 month ago by
MalteBMemberJust trying to config a working tc server 2.1 instance in my myeclipse IDE 8.6.1 and running into troubles.
My problem is that the naming of the input fields (tc server home/base) do not match to the spring speach about their tc server installation structure (tc server installation (unzipped tc server), tc runtime (embedded Tomcat), tc runtime instance (created Tomcat runtime instance), e.g.)
How does a working config look like to prevent errors like this?java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/catalina/startup/Bootstrap
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapMany Thank in advance.
I could configure the tc server 2.0 instance in MyEclipse IDE 8.6.1 and run it without issues.
The tc server home should be pointed to the tomcat folder inside the springsource-tc-server-developer folder. The base and temp would automatically populate.Attached is the screenshot for the same.
trying to config a working tc server 2.1 instance in my myeclipse IDE 8.6.1 and running into troubles
I tried with tc sever 2.1 and I got the same error. There is a known issue with this version and their workaround of adding tomcat-juli.jar into the classpath did’nt work.
So I suggest you cross post this to the SpringSource support forums. They will be the best people to answer it.
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crieckeMemberI was able to get MyEclipse 8.6.1 and tc server 2.1 to work by:
– Set tc Server home dir to $TC_HOME/INSTANCE_NAME where $TC_HOME is the full path to springsource-tc-server-developer on your box. The other dirs will fill in accordingly
– In Paths, add all JARs under $TC_HOME/tomcat-6.0.29.B.RELEASE to “Prepend to Classpath”
– Also add all JARs under $TC_HOME/INSTANCE_NAME/lib to “Prepend to Classpath”A little too much config for my taste, but it seems to work.
Glad that it is working. Thank you for posting your findings. It is surely of great help to other users.
MalteBMemberMany thanks from my side, too.
Does MyEclipse have this working or not? I followed “criecke” steps, and still cannot get anything to startup correctly. Is this truly SpringSource’s issue?