
Wrapping long parameter lists

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  • #262959 Reply

    I’m using the latest MyEclipse (Version: 5.1.0 GA), and doing some modelling of existing classes using the UML perspective.

    I’m quite pleased with it so far, but is there a way to make it wrap long parameter lists?

    Due to a constructor with 12 arguments, I’m ending up with a diagram that is a mile wide!

    Yes, I know having that many arguments isn’t ideal, but I’m modelling an existing system.

    #263019 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m quite pleased with it so far, but is there a way to make it wrap long parameter lists?

    Due to a constructor with 12 arguments, I’m ending up with a diagram that is a mile wide!

    Yes, I know having that many arguments isn’t ideal, but I’m modelling an existing system.

    We are glad it’s working for you well.

    Unfortunately I don’t have a way for you to wrap lines… I suppose you could zoom out and pretend the box isn’t so big, but I realize that’s not quite the same 😉

    #263297 Reply

    I suppose you could zoom out and pretend the box isn’t so big, but I realize that’s not quite the same 😉

    Doesn’t quite work when you print it out… I can just about read the method names on A3 as it is…

    Is the source for the UML bit available? I could have a poke around myself for a laugh…
    (I’ve used Eclipse for a while now, but I’m new to MyEclipse as I’ve just started a new job, so I don’t know if all its bits are open source)

    #263299 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Actually because MyEclipse is a commercial product we don’t offer source code to our product. I will see if there is something we could do on our end to improve this though.

    #271397 Reply



    I am using the last version of MyEclipse (5.1.1 GA) and I have exactly the same problem. I am just trying to generate some UML diagrams to make some documentation, but some methods (search methods on some DAO’s and constructors) have a lot of parameters and I end up with very big boxes who are 98% empty. It is just not usable.

    So has any progress been made in order to wrap long lists of parameters ?



    #271405 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Not at this time unfortunately. Management hasn’t prioritized this work. I’ll add your comments to the request though.

    DO you have a screenshot handy you could send me as an example? (You can use the PM button below to send it directly to me as an attachment)

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