- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 11 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Thomas BednarzMemberI try to write my own realm derived from JDBCRealm using Tomcat 5. I use MyEclipse 3.7.1 together with Eclipse 3M7.
It seems that I need a package javax.management.* which is part of the J2EE SDK. Since I do not have a J2EE container such as JBoss installed I cannot find this package.
Is this package included somewhere in MyEclipse or where can I get it from (Its a little hard to look through all JAR files)
Many thanks for your help.
Riyad KallaMemberbednarz,
The javax.management (JMX I believe is its acronym) was added to the 1.4 release of J2EE. MyEclipse currently ships with and supports 1.3 of J2EE, so you would need to download the J2EE 1.4 release separately from Sun if you wanted to work with that package.You can grab it here: http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/download.html#sdk
Thomas BednarzMemberHmm, I visited that page already. But if you look at it, it does NOT contain a J2EE SDK! It contains the documentation, the J2SE (!) SDK, samples AND a SUN Application Server system which might contain what I am looking for. Only SUN knows what that is, looks like their J2EE container. Thats why I thought, that the provider of some sort of container probably also ships the JAR files containing the J2EE class files.
Fact is that as soon as I include
import org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm;
Eclipse states that it cannot resolve javax.management.MBeanRegistration.
It seems this is used somewhere in the JDBCRealm, but I think I post a message on the tomcat user list.
Many thanks however!
Riyad KallaMemberTom,
Yep that is confusing, what you want is in the Server Bundle, under the /lib dir once you install it, there is a j2ee.jar file, in there is the management package that you need. (man that was a 32mb download and 102mb install just to figure that out… :D)
Thomas BednarzMemberWell someone gave me some more information on the tomcat user list.
The keyword to all this is JMX (Java Management Extensions). JMX seems now be part of J2EE 1.4 but is also available as a separate API. It is included in the Tomcat distribution ($CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/jmx.jar).I did not know this and I do not have the time to read all related Web pages all day long. So this information might be useful for others too (and save some download time as well……:? !
Riyad KallaMemberTom thank you for the follow up, I am sure it will be helpful to others.