
Wrong error messages about memory usage and crashes

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  • #312267 Reply


    MyEclipse shows wrong error messages and wrong warnings about memory usage and also crashes (sometimes without a warning) multiple times a day.

    One of the wrong error messages is:

    Available Memory Is Low
    MyEclipse has detected that less than 5% of the 9MB of Survivor Space (Heap memory) space remains.

    Recommended memory arguments:

    My configuration is:

    -vmargs -Xms1290m -Xmx1290m
    -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=64m

    JConsole says:

    Current heap size: 151.139 kbytes
    Maximum heap size: 1.310.848 kbytes
    Commited memory: 1.310.848 kbytes
    Total physical memory: 4.052.480 kbytes
    Free physical memory: 1.954.504 kbytes

    Memory Pool “Survivor Space”
    Used: 0 kbytes
    Commited: 10.112 kbytes
    Max: 10.112 kbytes

    Memory Pool “Code Cache”
    Used: 16.084 kbytes
    Committed: 16.128 kbytes
    Max: 65.536 kbytes

    Memory Pool “Perm Gen”
    Used: 86.532 kbytes
    Commited: 86.784 kbytes
    Max: 196.608 kbytes

    Fact: the size of the Survivor Space is changed by the JVM dynamically and has reached much higher values with MyEclipse on my computer without crashing!

    MyEclipse “Installation Details” are (my real user name replaced with “myname”):

    *** Date:
    Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010 11:26 Uhr MESZ

    ** System properties:
    OS version=6.1.0
    Java version=1.6.0_13

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 8.6
    Build id: 8.6-20100806

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 8.6
    Build id: 8.6-20100806

    Eclipse startup command=-os

    #312269 Reply


    I noticed you set your memory settings at 1290, do you actually need that much memory – do you have very large or many projects in your workspace? In some cases where the value is too high, it could be silently ignored by the VM, you could try taking Xmx / Xms down to 768m if you don’t really need 1290. Also change the rest of the values in accordance to the preferred values.

    Do let us know how it works for you.

    #312276 Reply


    Hi and thank you for your fast response,

    MyEclipse warned and crashed, so I have set the memory limit as high as possible.
    Also, I hoped to help MyEclipse running faster when having more memory available…
    I have just one project in my workspace.
    The setting “-Xmx1290m” is not ignored by the JVM, as it is shown in JConsole…
    I have set “-XX:MaxPermSize=192m” instead of 256MiB, because JConsole showed me, that the usage never raises higher than about 110MiB and I wanted to use as much Heap memory as possible.

    My collegues and I have tried a lot of different settings in the last weeks, but MyEclipse keeps misbehaving, so we wanted to inform you about the misleading and wrong warning messages.

    I have now changed the memory settings as you suggested to:

    -Xms512m -Xmx512m
    -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=64m

    I have JConsole running and will inform you, when (other) warning messages are shown again.

    #312853 Reply


    This message has not been recovered.

    #313614 Reply


    I am still getting those misleading error messages from time to time in different situations (today: editing a JSP file). Is there anyone on that issue?

    #313624 Reply



    I can see that you are on 8.6 version. We have released 8.6.1 version that have lot of fixes and enhancements.

    Can you please check Help > About MyEclipse to see which version you’re specifically using? If it really is 8.6 and not 8.6.1 would you mind updating and retesting as the fixes could very likely have addressed this already. You can update by selecting Help > MyEclipse Configuration Center > Dashboard. If updates are available they’ll display in the Updates section (just select and apply).

    Let us know how it works for you.

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