
Wrong WAR location

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  • #229364 Reply

    I clicked on “Deploy J2EE Project to Server…”, and the “Project deployments” window opens. I click on “Add”, and the “New Deployment” dialog opens:

    Web Project: e-ConsultingEOL
    Server: <Externally Launched>
    Deploy Type: Packaged Archive

    The suggested “Deploy Location” is C:\Program Files\e-ConsultingEOL.war

    First of all, I think the default location for a packaged WAR should be the project’s root, not “Program Files”.

    So, I click on “Browse”, and choose for instance “My Documents”, the Deploy Location is “C:\Documents and Settings\dserodio\My Documentse-ConsultingEOL”, which is missing both a slash between “My Documents” and “e-ConsultingEOL” and the “.war” suffix.

    #229369 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I was able to reproduce this quickly, thank you. I will file an issue on it.

    #233702 Reply


    i also run into this problem. any news about this?

    #233722 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This will be fixed in 4.0 Milestone 3

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