
wsejbdeploy is not genereating "Tie" classes

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  • #287956 Reply


    I’m using ANT within Blue to run the new WAS6 wsejbdeploy task. It generates stubs in general, but not the “Tie” classes.
    The Tie classes are correctly created by other build techniques: installing EAR via WAS6 admin, and Blue deployment. Perhaps I need to use a differeny wsejbdeploy? What is Blue using to deploy?

    Here is my taskdef:
    <taskdef name=”wsejbdeploy” classname=”com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.WsEjbDeploy” classpath=”${websphere.home}/plugins/com.ibm.ws.runtime_6.1.0.jar” />

    Here is where I run the task:
    <wsejbdeploy inputJar=”${build.directory}/${ejb}Temp.jar” jvmMaxMemory=”512M” wasHome=”${websphere.home}” workingDirectory=”${build.directory}” outputJar=”${build.directory}/${ejb}.jar” classpathref=”default.class.path” codegen=”true” quiet=”false” failonerror=”true” />


    #287969 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    Phil, out of curiosity, if Blue deployment works fine, why are you circumventing it using an Ant task? (was there something wrong it was doing? maybe we need to enhance it somehow?)

    #287989 Reply


    This is for our production build process, which requires an ANT build. I’m running ANT from within Blue right now just for convenience; eventually it gets run on Unix against ClearCase.

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