
WTP/MyEclipse Conflict?

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  • #251630 Reply


    I originally asked this of Riyad in the Web Dev forum; he suggested I post it over here instead.

    I’m trying to build a simple web service but I keep running into a couple of problems. Hopefully, you can help me with them.

    1)I can create the Java classes from the wsdl, but I can’t get them to compile. I’ve tried automatic and manual build settings, but nothing happens. I’ve examined the problems tab, but there are no errors or warnings for the project. Where else should I look for errors? Could it be a bad jar or library in the build path? Or a duplicate jar?

    2) I tried the Web Services -> Create web service from the context menu, both top down and bottom up. When I do top-down I get this error:
    IWAB0514E Unable to get URL for project P/WebServiceProject
    which has me completely baffled.
    When I do bottom-up I get this error:
    IWAB0514E Unable to get URL for project {0}
    (I don’t know if the Web Services sub menu is WTP or MyEclipse — I hadn’t paid any attention to it until this problem came up)

    I’ve got MyEclipse 4.1.1 installed and Eclipse 3.1.2; I’ve also got WTP, but I can’t remember the version. Everything seems to run fine except for web service projects.

    I’m stuck; so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ( other than “consider a career as a speed bump” 😕 ).


    #251653 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I think you misunderstood me. WTP and MyEclipse are two separate products. This entire site (www.myeclipseide.com) is dedicated to the support and information around the MyEclipse product. If you need help with WTP, the site along with a lot of tutorials (About 6 of them on web services) is available here:

    #251664 Reply


    OK. Thanks. That helps.

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