
XDcolet Error in MyEclipse

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  • #333375 Reply


    Error: Description Resource Path Location Type
    The preferences for the xdoclet runtime does not point to a valid installation. ContractReqFacadeEJB Unknown XDoclet Facet Problem

    1. I set up a EJB project in MyEclips where in I was able to set up the XDoclet runtime library in project Property-> XDoclet. It worked well.

    2. I created new workspace for another EJB, I do not see XDoclet option but no option to set the XDoclet path.

    3. Hence I tried to set up the project in the work space in (1) above. I was able to create the project and it worked once. I could create remote interfaces. However, it suddenly started popping up the error above after changing the java version in Project Facet. I tried revert the changes made but the error didn’t go.

    If I uncheck the EJBDoclet (XDcolet) option in Project Facet, the error go away, however, it doesn’t create the local home and remote home interfaces after running the ‘Run XDoclet’ of EJB project.

    Please advise how o resolve this issue. I am using MyEclipse Bling 10.6 and XDoclet 1.2.1.


    #333417 Reply


    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    1) Can you please clarify why are you trying to change the java version in Project Facet ?

    2) Can you please create a new workspace, create a sample EJB project and configure the Xdoclet for the project and check if you can replicate the issue ?

    3) If you can still replicate the issue, please attach the sample project which exhibits the issue to help us investigate further ? Also, please share us the exact steps in detail to help us replicate the issue at our end ?

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