
xdoclet & EJB entity superclass [Closed]

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  • #199097 Reply



    I guess this question is a bit off topic but it does concern my efforts to move my project from JBuilder to MyEclipse, so again my apologies..

    My project has EJB entities which all extend a superclass with several
    inherited helper methods. With JBuilder I could specify for each method its view-type or interface: local, remote or both, and the outcome would be an EntityXXXLocal.java which includes the helper methods.

    How can I achieve the same with MyEclipse/xDoclet?



    #199098 Reply


    Ok it seems to be solved, so for those who wants to know..

    Currently the MyEclipse does not provide help writing @ejb.xxx tags in EJB superclasses, and so it does not suggest or assist. My mistake was to think that this is was ilegal. So I just added to each helper method in my superclass @ejb.interface-method and it worked just fine.

    Hope this help someone, and sorry if it is a bit off topic..


    #199102 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    It’s not off-topic at all and thank you for posting the solution as it could help others. By the way, I think you could have a really nice contest entry here with “How to Port from JBuilder to MyEclipse – Lessons Learned”. 🙂

    MyEclipse Support

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