Xdoclet will generate interface files and bean implementation files at the same location as your EJB source files. The interfaces will be generated in a .interfaces package but all of that should be configured just by using the “Standard EJB Configuration”. But for the output for the xml files, you will need to modify the destDir attributes for the ejbdoclet and your appserver subdoclet (jboss,weblogic,etc).
So open up MyEclipse-XDoclet properties and select the ejbdoclet task. The destDir defaults to src/META-INF. You can change this directory to “src/main/resources”. Also, for your appserver subdoclet, it will have a destDir attribute as well that you will need to set to ‘src/main/resources”. Press OK, and then re-run XDoclet and the files should be generated where you would like them.
As far as, the test source directory, what xdoclet generated items would go in that directory?