
Xdoclet and Sun Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) annotations

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  • #280721 Reply


    I have come across a problem I cannot seem to solve and would appreciate any input at this stage as I have wasted over a day on the subject.

    I have parameter level annotations defined in a class which is parsed by xdoclet and my aim is to transfer the formal argument list intact including the annotations to the xdoclet generated interface.

    here is a method example:

    public String performTest1(@Input(type=java.sql.Types.NUMERIC) String sArg1) {}

    Unfortnatellly, xdoclet is failing on the annotaion parsing with the following message:
    ‘Error parsing File TestCase1.java:Parse error at line 14, column 36. Encountered: @’

    I am however using method level annotations successfully.

    Any help would be appreciated,
    thanks in advance,

    #280723 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Moving to Off Topic >> Software Development.

    #281073 Reply


    If it helps narrowing down the problem, it error is in the ‘deploymentdescriptor’ ejb xdoclet task element

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