
XDoclet not updated with M3?

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  • #234806 Reply


    I thought there would be an update to the xdoclet version coming in M3, but I still have the same bug:

                Hashtable<String,String> env = new Hashtable<String,String>(); 
    //    this works instead:        Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); 
                env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, Consts.CONTEXT_INITIAL_FACTORY); 
                env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, Consts.CONTEXT_PROVIDER_URL);
                Context ic = new InitialContext(env);

    It still fails to run XDoclet, this is an known error in xdoclet which is fixed since some version so I can continue using Java5 syntax.
    Will the updated xdoclet be able to run this in the final 4.0?

    #234815 Reply


    The XDoclet update was descoped in the final moment of M3 because all of our efforts were focused on getting the new UML and WYSIWYG JSP Designer. We do have the XDoclet upgrade planned for 4.0GA set to be released in a couple of weeks. I have seen other users on the forums report that they updated their own local xdoclet libraries and that worked OK.

    There is also instructions on how to upgrade your local XDoclet libraries in your current verison of MyEclipse. However, I remember reading that you had to get a special verison of XJavaDoc installed with the xdoclet libraries for java5 syntax to work. That may have changed by now.

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