
Xdoclet wripes out impl class building Facade [Closed]

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  • #227295 Reply


    I am trying to generate a Session EJB to act as a Facade bean in accessing a set of other EJB’s. When I create the EJB in MyEclipse, I get the normal generated code with the beginning of the class as follows:

    * @ejb.bean name = “FACTSUpdateFacadeBean”
    * type = “Stateless”
    * display-name = “FACTSUpdateFacadeBean”
    * description = “FACTSUpdateFacadeBean EJB”
    * view-type = “remote”
    * jndi-name = “ejb/FACTSUpdateFacadeBeanHome”
    public class FACTSUpdateFacadeBean implements SessionBean

    /** The SessionContext */
    private SessionContext context;
    . // followed by my one method which will call other session EJB’s which //I just stubbed in

    public String updateFactsFromTeleRx(String msgIn) throws EJBException
    // rename and start putting your business logic here
    return null;

    When I run Xdoclet, this class is turned into the following:

    * Remote interface for FACTSUpdateFacadeBean.
    * @xdoclet-generated at ${TODAY}
    * @copyright The XDoclet Team
    * @author XDoclet
    * @version ${version}
    public interface FACTSUpdateFacadeBean
    extends javax.ejb.EJBObject
    * An example business method
    * @throws EJBException Thrown if the instance could not perform the function requested by the container because of an system-level error. */
    public java.lang.String updateFactsFromTeleRx( java.lang.String msgIn )
    throws java.rmi.RemoteException;


    I thought I was doing something very wrong, but another of our developers mentioned that they are having similar problems. Any info will be appreciated.


    #227299 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am researching this.

    #227307 Reply


    I was looking at the Xdoclet properties in the project properties dialog, and came across the packageSubstitution subtask. It looks like MyEclipse wants an EJB package to have a top level named EJB. Then when it sees a package of ejb it substitutes the package interfaces. I think this is the cause. I recreated my package directory to end with .ejb, created the session bean, then ran Xdoclet. Sure enough the interfaces package was created with all of the correct interfaces and supporting files.

    #227311 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    So you are back in action then?

    #227366 Reply


    Thanks, that seemed to solve the problem. Sorry I didn’t get back sooner, but I had to leave early yesterday and was rather swamped most of today.


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