OK, I take it all back, I finally have web services in MyEclipse. I was (pleasantly) surprised to see you decided to use the XFire SOAP stack; I’d been wondering if you were going to try and wrap yourselves around the different container’s SAAJ implementations or end up using Axis.
Now I’d like to know about some of the more advanced features provided by XFire, such as WS-Security and JSR 181 annotations. It doesn’t seem like the wizard exposes them in any way. Of course, since you’ve shipped all the jars, I’m guessing if I want, for instance, to put the annotations in the code, and change the xml files to use JSR181HandlerMapping and friends, it will work, but it would be nice to be able to define a service as “annotated” in the wizard and have all that done automatically. Likewise, it would be nice to be able to secure a web service with a few steps in a configuration wizard (a la WSE 3.0 in the .NET world).
I know nothing is as simple as it sounds, but since XFire already provides these featrures, I’d hope they could be integrated without too much trouble.