I am using XFIRE 1.2.6 in MyEclipse and I am generating a test client based off a WSDL. I need to specify an empty namespace for embedded elements but I can’t seem to do so. This is what I am trying to create:
<ns1:DatabaseIdCollection xmlns:ns1=”http://some.namespace”>
<dbIdentifier xmlns=””>SomeIdentifier</dbIdentifier>
<associatedResource xmlns=””>SomeResource</associatedResource>
<dbKey xmlns=””>10001000959234</dbKey>
I am trying to generate the xmlns=””, but I can’t seem to do this in XFire using attributes. I’ve tried the following above each element with no luck:
@XmlElement(name = “dbIdentifier”, namespace = “”, required = true)
protected String dbIdentifier;
XFire generates the following which breaks validation in the client:
<ns1:DatabaseIdCollection xmlns:ns1=”http://some.namespace”>
Any help would be greatly appreciated!