
XML file associations

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  • #288928 Reply


    We recently purchased a subscription for MyEclipse for our team.

    I’m having an issue with getting XML files to show up color coded correctly.

    I’m editing ColdFusion files – they have an alternate extension – fusebox.xml.cfm

    I’ve tried setting up the following file associations and none seem to work:


    When I open this – open with – MyEclipse XML editor – it just shows up with all black text.

    Opening a vanilla something.xml file works correctly and is colored correctly.


    #288929 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Can you paste a sample file here for me.

    #288931 Reply


    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <!– Singleton Circuits –>
    <circuit alias=”query” path=”query/” parent=”” />
    <circuit alias=”layouts” path=”layouts/” parent=””/>
    <circuit alias=”scripts” path=”scripts/” parent=””/>
    <circuit alias=”developer” path=”developer/” parent=””/>
    <circuit alias=”utilities” path=”utilities/” parent=””/>
    <circuit alias=”report” path=”report/” parent=””/>
    <circuit alias=”qforms” path=”qforms/” parent=”” />
    <circuit alias=”group” path=”group/controller/” parent=”home”/>
    <circuit alias=”vgroup” path=”group/view/” parent=”home”/>
    <circuit alias=”mgroup” path=”group/model/” parent=”home”/>

    <parameter name=”fuseactionVariable” value=”action” />
    <parameter name=”defaultFuseaction” value=”home.main” />
    <parameter name=”precedenceFormOrUrl” value=”form”/>
    <parameter name=”mode” value=”@@@fusebox-mode@@@”/> <!– ant will replace this with proper value: development or production –>
    <parameter name=”password” value=””/>

    <do action=”utilities.captureRedirectInfo” />
    <do action=”layouts.layout” />


    #288932 Reply


    I’ve got this resolved. I added the appropriate files to the XML content type dialog and it seems ot work correctly now!

    #288939 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Glad you got it to work. Thanks for letting me know.

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