I have this in a merge file so that it gets merged into jboss.xml:
<container-configuration extends=”Standard CMP 2.x EntityBean”>
In jboss.xml I get a XML validation error that “commit-option” is not allowed here.
I checked the DTD and “commit-option” is in there:
<!ELEMENT container-configuration (container-name , call-logging?,
invoker-proxy-binding-name?, sync-on-commit-only?,
insert-after-ejb-post-create?, container-interceptors? ,
instance-pool? , instance-cache? , persistence-manager? , web-class-loader? ,
locking-policy? , container-cache-conf? , container-pool-conf? ,
commit-option? , optiond-refresh-rate? , security-domain?, cluster-config?,
What’s wrong?