We have a struts project that is delivering on WebLogic on Eclipse 2.1.2 and ME 2.7RC2. We are running in JDK 1.4 – but compiling the code to JDK 1.3.
I have really appreciated the XML validation that is turned on by Preference -> MyEclipse -> MyEclipse -> Editors -> XML Editor -> Configuration. It has caught several nasty bugs that would have otherwise been missed 😀 . However, I am now noticing that when I do a rebuild, the validation of the WebLogic.xml takes up about 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire rebuild process 😥
I thought that this might be an issue of caching, but it takes a simlar amount of time irregardless of whether or not this is the first build or the 10th build.
I have the option marked to “Use cache for DTDs” and to only do deployment descriptors. Do you have any other suggestions to help with rebuild performance besides turning this feature off? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you,