- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 9 months ago by
Loyal Water.
srankMemberI am fairly new to web services.
I have created a number of web services, they are all working fine. My question is in relation to the returned xml. Every element has an xmlns= attribute. This causes the return to grow by at least 100%. I believe that there should be some configuration or annotation that would collapse this extra data.
In the return xml show below you will see that the xmlns = “http://WebServiceCore.PlantScapeMetaData.fo.weenergies.com” is repeated for every string that was originally a class attribute.
Does anyone know how to correct this? My wsdl is autogenerated by xfire from the @webservice annotation. I have no other annotations or annotation attributes set.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
– <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/” xmlns:xsd=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema” xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”>
– <soap:Body>
– <allSourcesResponse xmlns:ns1=”http://WebServiceCore.PlantScapeMetaData.fo.weenergies.com”>
– <ns1:out>
– <ns1:Source>
<zzaugen xmlns=”http://WebServiceCore.PlantScapeMetaData.fo.weenergies.com”>N</zzaugen>
<zzsource xmlns=”http://WebServiceCore.PlantScapeMetaData.fo.weenergies.com”>EDNA</zzsource>
<zzurl xmlns=”http://WebServiceCore.PlantScapeMetaData.fo.weenergies.com”>WWW.EDNA.COMP.WEPCO.COM/PAGE/</zzurl>
– <ns1:Source>
<zzaugen xmlns=”http://WebServiceCore.PlantScapeMetaData.fo.weenergies.com”>Y</zzaugen>
<zzsource xmlns=”http://WebServiceCore.PlantScapeMetaData.fo.weenergies.com”>SAP</zzsource>
<zzurl xmlns=”http://WebServiceCore.PlantScapeMetaData.fo.weenergies.com”>SAPWEB.WE.DIRSRV.COM/LINKS/DEFAULT.ASPX?ENV=DEV&NAME=ESS</zzurl>
Loyal WaterMemberMoving to Off Topic >> Software Development.
srankMemberTo whom it may concern,
I was able to get this issue resolved by creating a wsdl file first and not relying on the default xfire behaviour. Once defined and built the output has only one namespace on the root and all other elements reference it.
Loyal WaterMemberThanks for posting this information for the other users on this forums.