
XPath Support and "Project Templates"

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  • #249056 Reply


    I’ve found a few old posts (some from 2003) regarding support for XPath. Any further developments on this? This would be a great feature to have. I have been using jaxen a lot lately and would love the ability to test XPath queries against an XML doc, without having to compile and build.

    The ability to define project templates would be great too. Once we have decided on an architecture and standards for our applications, it would be nice to save that as a template. To create a new project, you could start with a template, which would include jar files (3rd party and our domain agnostic utils), directory structures, skeletons for build files/deployment descriptors and the like.

    #249076 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    To be honest the interest in XSLT, XPath, etc. surged near the beginning then died down but it’s slowly ramping up again. I think at some point we will address that, but will wait for demand to pick up.

    #249118 Reply


    I hope so. Anyone who uses an XPath library will agree. Straight DOM is clunky and makes for bloated code.

    I guess it’s safe to assume project templates aren’t even on the radar screen…?

    #249127 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What do you mean project templates?

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