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Manage Copilot4Eclipse Event and Data Logging

During operation, Copilot4Eclipse regularly logs key operational details and events. When needed low level logging of the data and messages exchanged between Copilot4Eclipse and the GitHub Copilot services can be enabled. This article will show you how to configure Copilot4Eclipse logging and view logged events and data.

General Copilot4Eclipse Event Logging and Log Viewing

During operation Copilot4Eclipse records its operational state and events to the Eclipse log. You can view this log using the Eclipse Error Log View (Log View).

To open the Log View, select Eclipse Windows menu > Show View > Other... > General > Error Log.

Error Log

Within the Log View, select the Plugin-in heading to view log entries grouped by their plugin identifier. Scroll to find the com.genuitec.copilot4eclipse group of entries. Learn more about the Eclipse Log here.

Logging Communications With GitHub Copilot Services (low-level)

The amount and frequency of data and messages exchanged between Copilot4Eclipse and GitHub Copilot services can be voluminous. Thus logging of this data is disabled by default as the logging effort may result in performance degredation. We strongly recommend you always disable this level of logging except in special diagnostic scenarios.

To enable low-level logging, open the Eclipse Preferences Dialog to the Language Servers node as follows. Select Eclipse Windows menu > Preferences > Language Servers > Logs.


The reason this level of logging is organized under the Language Server preferences is because Copilot4Eclipse uses the Language Server Protocol (LSP) for interacting with GitHub Copilot services.

Based on your needs toggle on or off the Copilot4Eclipse Lanaguage Server logging options. The Log to File setting will record all messages and data to the file shown near the bottom of the preference page. The Log to Console option will display log messages to the Eclipse Console (see below).